Intel at the Edge (Deploying an Edge App)
In this lesson, we focus more on the operational aspects of deploying a edge app: we dive deeper into analying video streams, partcicularly those streaming from a web cam; we dig into the pre-trained landscape, learning to stack models into complex, beautiful pipelines; and we learn about a low-resource telemetry transport protocol, MQTT, which we employ to send image and video statistics to a server.
OpenCV Basics
OpenCV is a highly-optimized computer vision library built in C++, but callable
from Python environments using the cv2
For an Edge app, one of the most useful shorthands that OpenCV provides is the ability to capture video streams, particularly those coming from a web cam. It has many convenient image processing functions as well, including various computer vision techniques (e.g., Canny edge detction) as well as machine learning techniques (e.g., it has its own neural network capabilities, though this is not its recommended use case).
Some useful functions for Edge apps include:
import argparse
import cv2
import numpy as np
import os
def get_args():
Gets the arguments from the command line.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Handle an input stream")
# -- Create the descriptions for the commands
i_desc = "The location of the input file"
# -- Create the arguments
parser.add_argument("-i", help=i_desc)
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def capture_stream(args):
### TODO: Handle image, video or webcam
if args.i[-3:] in ['jpg','bmp','png']:
elif args.i[-3:] in ['avi','mp4']:
raise ValueError('Must be image (ext: jpg, bmp, pn) or video (ext: avi, mp4).')
### TODO: Get and open video capture
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(args.i)
# I don't think is actually necessary...
if this_is_a_video:
# Create a video writer for the output video
# The second argument should be cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M','J','P','G')`
# on Mac, and `0x00000021` on Linux
opsys = os.uname().sysname.lower()
if opsys == 'linux':
vw_arg2 = 0x00000021
elif opsys == 'darwin':
vw_arg2 = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M','J','P','G')
raise OSError("Not sure what OS this is.")
out = cv2.VideoWriter('processed_'+args.i, vw_arg2, 30, (100,100))
while cap.isOpened():
still_processing, frame =
if not still_processing:
if cv2.waitKey(10) == ord('q'):
print('User requests termination...')
### TODO: Re-size the frame to 100x100
frame = cv2.resize(frame,(100,100))
### TODO: Add Canny Edge Detection to the frame,
### with min & max values of 100 and 200
### Make sure to use np.dstack after to make a 3-channel image
frame = cv2.Canny(frame,100,200)
frame = np.dstack((frame, frame, frame))
### TODO: Write out the frame, depending on image or video
if this_is_a_video:
cv2.imwrite('processed_'+args.i, frame)
### TODO: Close the stream and any windows at the end of the application
if this_is_a_video:
def main():
args = get_args()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Getting Creative
Training a neural network is usually all about improving things like accuracy, precision, and recall. Great! But what do you do with the information thereafter? We have all these great pre-trained models ready to go: how can we creatively repurpose them?
For example, let’s assume we have a detection model that draws bounding boxes like Leonardo Davinci – what now?
Well, for a car detection model deployed in a self-driving car, it’s easy to think up of some use cases:
- count the number of car in front of you, to the side, and behind
- estimate the distances to the other cars on the road
- track car trajectories (e.g., predict relative location several seconds out to help guide its own trajectory)
- for the police: for each car detected, further run a license plate detector, followed by a license plate reader – and do an automatic background check
- following: track a specific car to follow
For a model that detects signs on the road, you might then want to feed each detected sign to a sign classifier that can then be interpreted and implemented by the self-driving car.
You get the point: creativity doesn’t just stop at designing a good neural network architecture. In fact, in this course it’s not about that at all: it’s all about the application!
Exercise: Keeping the Dog and Cat Separated
import argparse
import cv2
import numpy as np
from inference import Network
INPUT_STREAM = "pets.mp4"
CPU_EXTENSION = "/opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/inference_engine/lib/intel64/"
def get_args():
Gets the arguments from the command line.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Run inference on an input video")
# -- Create the descriptions for the commands
m_desc = "The location of the model XML file"
i_desc = "The location of the input file"
d_desc = "The device name, if not 'CPU'"
# -- Add required and optional groups
required = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments')
optional = parser.add_argument_group('optional arguments')
# -- Create the arguments
required.add_argument("-m", help=m_desc, required=True)
optional.add_argument("-i", help=i_desc, default=INPUT_STREAM)
optional.add_argument("-d", help=d_desc, default='CPU')
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def infer_on_video(args):
# Initialize the Inference Engine
plugin = Network()
# Load the network model into the IE
plugin.load_model(args.m, args.d, CPU_EXTENSION)
net_input_shape = plugin.get_input_shape()
# Get and open video capture
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(args.i)
# Process frames until the video ends, or process is exited
frame_number = 0
alert_frame = 0
bad_cat_bad_dog_shame_on_you = 1
while cap.isOpened():
# Read the next frame
flag, frame =
if not flag:
key_pressed = cv2.waitKey(60)
# Pre-process the frame
p_frame = cv2.resize(frame, (net_input_shape[3], net_input_shape[2]))
p_frame = p_frame.transpose((2,0,1))
p_frame = p_frame.reshape(1, *p_frame.shape)
# Perform inference on the frame
# Get the output of inference
if plugin.wait() == 0:
result = plugin.extract_output()
### TODO: Process the output
# Check for alert:
# Check if an alert has been made within 30 frames:
# Make alert
# Record alert frame
if np.argmax(result) == bad_cat_bad_dog_shame_on_you:
if frame_number - alert_frame >= 30:
print('Hissssss! Hissss!! Hey! Go lay down!')
alert_frame = frame_number
# Break if escape key pressed
if key_pressed == 27:
# Release the capture and destroy any OpenCV windows
def main():
args = get_args()
if __name__ == "__main__":
This video has really good paho-mqtt
starter code
(for more info, see the paho-mqtt
# MQTT Client Demo
# Continuously monitor two different MQTT topics for data.
# Check if the received data matches two predefined 'commands'.
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
# The callback for when the client receives a CONNACK response from the server
def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
print("Connected with result code "+str(rc))
# Subscribing in on_connect() - If we lose connection and
# reconnect, then subscriptions will be renewed.
# The callback for when a PUBLISH message is received from the server/broker.
def on_message(client, userdata, msg):
print(msg.topic+' '+str(msg.payload))
if msg.payload == "Hello":
print("Received 'Hello' message: Do something.")
# Do something.
elif msg.payload == "World!":
print("Received "World!" message: Do something else.")
# Do something else.
# Create an MQTT client and attach our callbacks
client = mqtt.Client()
client.on_connect = on_connect
client.on_message = on_message
# Connect Client to Broker
client.connect("", 1883, 60)
# Process network traffic and dispatch callbacks. This will also handle
# reconnecting. There are other loop*() functions made available; check
# the documentation @
More on MQTT:
- YouTube: What is MQTT and How It Works
- YouTube: How to Get Started with MQTT
- YouTube: What is an MQTT Broker Clearly Explained
- YouTube: Understanding MQTT: How Smart Home Devices Communicate
- YouTube: Raspberry Pi - Getting started with MQTT
Maybe MQTT sends an alert that an intruder has been detected, or that a rare species of bird has been sighted! Is it good enough to simply know this happened, or would you be interested in some evidence? Fact is, sometimes you may want to want to stream video feeds to a server, despite video streaming being so resource intensive and MQTT not being able to handle it.
What do you do?
You can use the ffmpeg library to help, which has a server
(called ffserver
) that video frames can be sent to for further distribution.
To use ffserver
you need a config file, which specifies settings such as ports and IP. The
port that receives video frames listens to the system’s stdout
buffer, which is how we will
access it from Python:
import sys
To launch the ffserver
sudo ffserver -f ./ffmpeg/server.conf
To have ffserver
work harmoniuosly with your Python script, you must
pipe your script’s output into it:
python {appArgs} | ffmpeg {ffmpegArgs}
Some ffmpeg
arguments related to our use of ffserver
- -f: format (we will use “rawvideo”)
- -pixel_format (we will use “bgr24”)
- -video_size (we will use “1280x720”)
- -framerate (we will use “24”)
- -v (we will set to “warning”)
- -i (where is it coming from; if you are piping into ffmpeg, use “-“)
So, ffserver
helps to serve video frames…but serve to what? Well,
another server somewhere else. In this course, we
will use a Node server to host a webpage; this Node server will acquire video
frames from our FFServer.
Odd Choice of Software
On the FFMPEG website itself, it says:
“Warning: ffserver has been removed on 2018-01-06. If you still need it checkout commit 2ca65fc or use the 3.4 release branch.”
I looked into this because, though I have ffmpeg
installed on my computer already, I couldn’t
seem to find any trace of ffserver
. Turns out I have FFMPEG version 4.0 and the last time
was included was in version 3.4.
Technically, I can brew install
an older version of FFMPEG onto my MacBook, but … why? There exist alternatives that are still
supported (ffserver
has not been supported in just over 2 years now). FFMPEG’s page on removing
even recommends trying mkvserver_mk2.
I’m curious why Udacity would choose something that
has been abandoned…? Oddly, at the time of this writing, Udacity does not even indicate
on their tutorial page that ffserver
does not came with the latest install of FFMPEG. For
example, they just say to download FFMPEG, then go on to discuss how to use ffserver
“You can download FFmpeg from Using ffserver in particular requires a configuration file that we will provide for you. This config file sets the port and IP address of the server, as well as settings like the ports to receive video from, and the framerate of the video. These settings can also allow it to listen to the system stdout buffer, which is how you can send video frames to it in Python.”
The closest they come to even giving suspicion that you should look at something comes at the end of that particular tutorial:
We covered FFMPEG and ffserver, but as you may guess, there are also other ways to stream video to a browser. Here are a couple other options you can investigate for your own use:
The last link about using a Flask server interests me too: why in a class where we are using Python do we even use FFSERVER or Node? Why not just keep it simple and use Flask?
(My thought for Node is that it seems very common in the IoT space, so it’s good to introduce… But still not sure about using FFSERVER.)
Exercise: OpenVINO + MQTT + FFSERVER + Node
It’s not clear that it’s worth putting the Python code here since there is so much
going on in this example. After developing the Python code, we had to cd
into various
folders and run npm install
, then another folder to run npm run dev
, and another
to start up FFSERVER. We had 4 terminals open to do all this. And really, to do
all this, we were told exactly what to do: I have no true understanding of why
I ran the various npm
(node package manager) commands.
My 2 cents is to learn more about setting up servers via the links they provided:
Hopefully this gap is fleshed out in detail in the upcoming Phase 2 of the scholarship.