The YouTube Data API

[ youtube  python  wwe  ]

Client Secrets

If you will be working on behalf of a content owner, then make sure to use the appropriate Google account when setting this up…

import httplib2
from apiclient.discovery import build
from oauth2client.client import flow_from_clientsecrets
from oauth2client.file import Storage
from import run_flow

DATA_SERVICE = "youtube"

# Client Secrets File
#  -- I am using the same file I created for the Reporting API
CLIENT_SECRETS = 'client_secrets.json'

# Credentials File
CREDENTIALS_FILE = 'data-api-oauth2.json'

# OAuth2 Authentication: First Time
#  -- this will open up your browser and have you choose your Google Account
#  -- it will also have you select a channel or content owner
#  -- when completed, you will be authenticated in current session and have a JSON
#     file to use for authentication for all subsequent sessions
data_storage = Storage(CREDENTIALS_FILE)
data_flow = flow_from_clientsecrets(CLIENT_SECRETS, scope=DATA_SCOPE,  message=' Derr! ')
credentials = run_flow(data_flow, data_storage)

# OAuth2: All Subsequent Sessions
credentials = storage.get()

# OAuth2 Code (Any Session)
#  -- this code combines the above and can be used for any session
CREDENTIALS_FILE = 'data-api-oauth2.json'
data_storage = Storage(CREDENTIALS_FILE)
credentials = data_storage.get()
if credentials is None or credentials.invalid:
  data_flow = flow_from_clientsecrets(CLIENT_SECRETS, scope=DATA_SCOPE,  message=' Derr! ')
  credentials = run_flow(data_flow, data_storage)
# Create DATA API Connection
data_api = build(DATA_SERVICE, DATA_VERSION, http=credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http()))

Data API Resources


From the documentation:

An activity resource contains information about an action that a particular channel, or user, has taken on YouTube. The actions reported in activity feeds include rating a video, sharing a video, marking a video as a favorite, uploading a video, and so forth. Each activity resource identifies the type of action, the channel associated with the action, and the resource(s) associated with the action, such as the video that was rated or uploaded.

Get some info on your channel’s videos

info = data_api.activities().list(part='snippet,contentDetails', mine=True, maxResults=50).execute()

<img src=/images/data-api__activities-snippet-contentDetails.png width=400>

Only look at snippets of a particular channel:

import pandas as pd
def get_channel_playlists_and_videos(channelId, publishedAfter=None, publishedBefore=None, regionCode=None):
  channelId:  YouTube Channel ID
  publishedAfter, publishedBefore: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ (default: None)
  regionCode:  ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
  rows = pd.DataFrame(columns=['channel_id', 'channel_title', 'playlist_id', 
    'video_id', 'video_title', 'time_published'])
  temp = data_api.activities().list(
    part       = 'snippet,contentDetails', 
    maxResults = 50, 
    channelId  = channel_id,
    publishedAfter = publishedAfter,
    publishedBefore = publishedBefore
  there_is_more_data = True
  offset = 0
  while there_is_more_data:
    for idx,item in enumerate(temp['items']):
      content = item['contentDetails']
      snippet = item['snippet']
      if 'upload' in content.keys():
        row = [
          snippet['channelId'], snippet['channelTitle'], None,
          content['upload']['videoId'], snippet['title'], snippet['publishedAt']
        ] #endInfo
      elif 'playlistItem' in content.keys():
        row = [
          snippet['channelId'], snippet['channelTitle'], content['playlistItem']['playlistId'],
          content['playlistItem']['resourceId']['videoId'], snippet['title'], snippet['publishedAt']
        ] #endInfo
      rows.loc[idx+offset] = row   
      temp = data_api.activities().list(
        part       ='snippet,contentDetails', 
        maxResults = 50, 
        channelId  = channel_id,
        publishedAfter = publishedAfter,
        publishedBefore = publishedBefore,
        pageToken  = temp['nextPageToken']
      offset += 50
      there_is_more_data = False
  return rows

# Get Channel Info
bella_twins = 'UCIJnHb6meZoOjKF68h35QgQ' 
df = get_channel_playlists_and_videos(bella_twins)
wwe = 'UCJ5v_MCY6GNUBTO8-D3XoAg'

Oddly, this method seems to only be able to extract 256 per channel…?

Maybe a better way to do is this?'snippet',channelId=wwe, type='video').execute()

Reivew of .activities Parameters

  • Required
    • Part: contentDetails, id, snippet
  • Filters
    • channelId
    • mine (boolean)
  • Optional
    • maxResults
    • pageToken
    • publishedAfter
    • publishedBefore
    • regionCode

Further Reading:


Channel Info

Channel ID, description, title, and more!

data_api.channels().list(part='snippet', mine=True).execute()

Channel Statistics

data_api.channels().list(part='statistics', mine=True).execute()

Channel Subscribers

Get a list of your subscribers, track ‘em down, and do some analytics! (If you have a lot of subscribers, you might actually want to occasionally write them to file instead of building an extraordinarily large list.)

Here we see the .channels parameters maxResults and pageToken in use.

maxResults = 50
temp = data_api.channels().list(part='status', mySubscribers=True, maxResults=maxResults).execute()
user_channel_id = [item['id'] for item in temp['items']]
nextPageToken = temp['nextPageToken']
totalSubs = temp['pageInfo']['totalResults']
numPages = totalSubs // maxResults +1
for i in range(1,numPages):
  temp = data_api.channels().list(part='status', mySubscribers=True, maxResults=maxResults, pageToken=nextPageToken).execute()
  user_channel_id += [item['id'] for item in temp['items']]
  nextPageToken = temp['nextPageToken']

Actually, after writing this, I found you get a lot of additional info by also using part='snippet'. Very cool.

Some Arguments to Be Aware Of:

  • part: list of channel resources to return; if a chosen resource has a child resource, it will also be returned
  • forUsername: return channel associated with given YouTube username
  • id: list of channel IDs for the resources that are being retrieved
  • managedByMe: set to True if you want to return only channels owned by a given content owner ID
    • content owner ID must be passed to the onBehalfOfContentOwnwer parameter
    • user must be an authenticated linked CMS account
  • maxResults: max number of results that should be returned
  • mine: set to True to only return channels associated w/ authenticated user account
    • not the same as onBehalfOfContentOwner, e.g., if I set this to True, it would return channels owned by my user account not my employer’s content ID
  • mySubscribers: set to True to returns subscribers of authenticated user’s channel
  • onBehalfOfContentOwner: set to content owner ID if you have such permissions and have been authenticated to access all associated channels

Read more about the .channels():

YouTube Region Codes

An i18nRegion region code identifies a geographic area that a YouTube user can select as the content region.


YouTube Category IDs

YouTube has a classification scheme, which is dependent on region code. For example, the first five categories (and their IDs) used for the United States are:

  • 1 - ‘Film & Animation’
  • 2 - ‘Autos & Vehicles’
  • 10 - ‘Music’
  • 15 - ‘Pets & Animals’
  • 17 - ‘Sports’

Find the rest of them using this code:

us_cat_info = data_api.videoCategories().list(regionCode='US', part='snippet').execute()
[(item['id'], item['snippet']['title']) for item in us_cat_info['items']]

Further Experimentation


Scopes for captions are different:


Channel Banners

At the moment, I don’t really care about Channel Banners:

“A channelBanner resource contains the URL that you would use to set a newly uploaded image as the banner image for a channel.”

Channel Sections

A channelSection resource contains information about a set of videos that a channel has chosen to feature. For example, a section could feature a channel’s latest uploads, most popular uploads, or videos from one or more playlists.

Basically just brings back info about the vertical/horizontal sections of videos: which ones are there, etc. Not something I care to explore more at the moment.

Written on September 19, 2017