Connecting to a SAMBA Server from Mac and Ubuntu

[ unix-tools  wwe  ]

Maybe the IT department already set things up, but mounting a samba shared drive on my MacBook Pro work computer was super simple.

mkdir sharedDirectory
mount_smbfs '//username:password@SambaServerIP/sharedDirectory/' sharedDirectory

However, I don’t really need to know how to do this… I need to know how to connect to that shared directory while on my AWS EC2 Linux Ubuntu instance. Alas, this has not proved to be as simple.

Currently, I’m following the information provided in this tutorial on It’s been helpful, but I still haven’t figure things out…

sudo apt-get install samba

You should now have some samba- and NetBIOS-related daemon processes running:

ps -ef | grep smbd
ps -ef | grep nmbd

To stop/start a daemon:

# Stop smbd
sudo service smbd stop
# Check
ps -ef | grep smbd
# Start smbd
sudo service smbd start

You should also now have an /etc/samba/ directory, inside of which you can find smb.conf. To edit this file, first stop the smbd daemon. Also, for sanity’s sake, create a backup of the file before editing.

sudo service smbd stop
sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.backup

Find more information about editing the smb.conf file here.

Whoa…… This stuff is starting to take too long….

Maybe this?

sudo apt-get install smbclient
smbclient -L sambaServerIpOrName -U userName

Seems like I’m so close but so faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar…

Written on October 11, 2017