Google Developer Scholarship: Asynchronous JavaScript Requests

[ webdev  grow-with-google  udacity  wwe  ]

After finishing up the course on JavaScript and the DOM from Udacity, I figured I’d get back on the main track of the web development course. It was refreshing to get a sense of how much I had learned from doing these side courses…and yet I still could not understand the solution to one of the service worker quizzes. Like, at all.

Basically, when registering the service worker, we use a path that does not appear to exist in the code tree. Yesterday, I saw someone discussing this on the forums: apparently, it has something to do with gulp creating the file…which actually doesn’t help clarify things for me at all! (Will ave to look more into gulp.) Anyway, being stubborn and not yet wanting to seek help, I took another side course, hoping that I’d get it all after some more practice with creating JavaScript apps: Asynchronous JavaScript Requests

Long story, short: this course did not bring me closer to understanding the service worker issue. That said, it was an excellent course, and I learned a lot!

In the course, we registered for API keys at Unsplash and the New York Times, then created a simple HTML/JavaScript app using the various approaches to Ajax covered in the course ( XHR, jQuery, Fetch). These apps were essentially the first apps I’ve ever created, so it was exciting and enlightening. What I found really intriguing is just how simple it is to get off the ground: the app consists of a single HTML file and a single JavaScript file, both of which are incredibly short and to the point!

Here is the 3rd version of the app that we created, using the Fetch API and a bunch of ES6 conventions (e.g., promises, arrow functions).

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Make Asynchronous Requests</title>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="../css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet">

    <header class="masthead">
        <h1>What are you interested in today?</h1>

        <div class="site-container">
            <form id="search-form" action="#">
                <label for="search-keyword" class="visuallyhidden">What are you interested in today?</label>
                <input id="search-keyword" type="text" name="search-keyword" placeholder="e.g. Android" required>
                <input id="submit-btn" type="submit" value="Submit">

    <div class="site-container">
        <div id="response-container"></div>

    <script src="clientid.js"></script>
    <script src="app.js"></script>
(function () {
  // variables, constants
  const form = document.querySelector('#search-form');
  const searchField = document.querySelector('#search-keyword');
  let searchedForText;
  const responseContainer = document.querySelector('#response-container');

  // functions
  function addImage(data) {
    let htmlContent = '';
    const firstImage = data.results[0];
    if (firstImage) {
        htmlContent = `<figure>
            <img src="${firstImage.urls.small}" alt="${searchedForText}">
            <figcaption>${searchedForText} by ${}</figcaption>
    } else {
        htmlContent = 'Unfortunately, no image was returned for your search.'
    responseContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', htmlContent);

  function addArticles (data) {
    //debugger;//initially used to monitor response in DevTools
    let htmlContent = '';
    const copyright = data.copyright;
    const firstArticle =[0];
    if(data.response && &&[0]) {
      htmlContent = `
        ${firstArticle.snippet} ... 
        (<a href="${firstArticle.web_url}">Continue reading @ NYT</a>)
        <h2>More Articles...</h2>` + '<ul>' +
        article => `<li class="article">
          <h2><a href="${article.web_url}">${article.headline.main}</a></h2>
          <p>${article.snippet}</p></li>`).join('') + `</ul>
        </table>` ;
    } else {
      htmlContent = '<div class="error-no-image">No images available</div>'
    responseContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', htmlContent);

  function requestError(e, part) {
          `<p class="network-warning">Oh no! There was an error making a request 
          for the ${part}.</p>`);

  // Main
    form.addEventListener('submit', function (e) {
        responseContainer.innerHTML = '';
        searchedForText = searchField.value;
    fetch(`${searchedForText}`, {
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Client-ID ${unsplashId}`
    }).then(response => response.json())
    .catch(e => requestError(e, 'image'));

    .then(response => response.json())
    .catch(e => requestError(e, 'article'));



Some References

  • Udacity: Asynchronous JavaScript Requests
Written on March 6, 2018