Laughing Like Hyde

[ jekyll  easi  ]

I’m in a room filled with impatient, frustrated citizens awaiting their civic fate: to be called for jury duty, or not?! People are chortling maniacally at their own jokes (“I should be honored to be here – chortle, chortle.”)

I’m laughing like a madman too, but only because I honestly don’t know how to use Jekyll all that well.

A couple years ago now, when I first began working at WWE I wanted to try out GitHub Pages and, ultimately, organize in one place all my old blog content, worthy Google Group posts, and unpublished “notes to self” that lay scattered about my digital spaces (email, old computers, dead trees). I wanted to get up and going with minimal friction. This thing called “Jekyll” kept surfacing, and a GitHub user (Barry Clark, bless his soul) had this really convenient “get started now” starter pack. Great!

I could not want for more!

Ok, fast forward a few years and – wants-for-more galore knocking down my door. (Eat your hearts out, Mother Goose and Dr. Seus!)

For example, how can I quickly look at all the Facebook Graph article I wrote while working at WWE? Well, that should be pretty simple, right? Just use tags…RIGHT?!

Absolutely 100% correct. Nothing fancy! Tags. “An oldie, but a goodie,” as they say.

Oh – except that GitHub-hosted Jekyll pages don’t really have a convenient, well-supported tags feature. Luckily, things like Google and folks such Long Qian exist.

Look around this page: you should notice a “jekyll” tag. And when you click on it? It should take you to a glorious page where all posts I’ve tagged with “jekyll” spend time together, making small talk, waiting for you to appreciate the imperfect, but better-than-nothing organization of content.

So how did I do it?

Well, for starters, go straight to the source and check out Long Qian’s original blog post. In case that doesn’t exist, I document some of what I learned below.

title: Miscellaneous Post on Machine Learning
layout: post
tags: machine-learning artificial-intelligence monkies

Need to keep adding tags to posts… Haven’t finished yet.

References and Further Reading

  • Next Up: Changing Themes:
Written on February 14, 2019