Memory-Efficient Windowing of Time Series Data in Python: 3. Memory Strides in Pandas

[ time-series  pandas  numpy  python  easi  ]

In the first post in this series, we covered memory strides for default NumPy arrays – or, more generally, for C-like, “row major” arrays. In the second post, we showed that a NumPy array can also be F-like (column major). More importantly, for those who like to switch back and forth between Pandas and NumPy, we found that a typical DataFrame is F-like (not always, but often – and in important cases). We also found that if one builds a windowing function based on NumPy’s as_strided assuming a C-like array, but instead uses F-like arrays in production, one shall be screwed.

One doesn’t like to be screwed in production!

Originally, we built out the make_views function in the first installation of this series. This function expects C-Like NumPy arrays, but often I work with F-like Pandas DataFrames, which are built atop F-Like NumPy arrays. In this post, I generalize the windowing function (more accurately, the “viewing” function) to delineate between C-like and F-like arrays and act accordingly.

For convenience, here is the original incarnation of make_views:

def make_views(
  writeable = False,
  arr: any 2D array whose columns are distinct variables and 
    rows are data records at some timestamp t
  win_size: size of data window (given in data points along record/time axis)
  step_size: size of window step (given in data point along record/time axis)
  writable: if True, elements can be modified in new data structure, which will affect
    original array (defaults to False)
  Note that step_size is related to window overlap (overlap = win_size - step_size), in 
  case you think in overlaps.
  n_records = arr.shape[0]
  n_columns = arr.shape[1]
  remainder = (n_records - win_size) % step_size 
  num_windows = 1 + int((n_records - win_size - remainder) / step_size)
  new_view_structure = as_strided(
    shape = (num_windows, win_size, n_columns),
    strides = (8 * step_size * n_columns, 8 * n_columns, 8),
    writeable = False,
  return new_view_structure

The Set Up

Next, we will begin investigating how to generalize make_views, but first – let’s define some terms, so we can explore some code!

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numpy.lib.strid_tricks import as_strided

# Data
a = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
b = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]
c = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]

# C-Like NumPy Array
arr = np.concatenate([
  axis = 1)

# F-Like Pandas DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c})

First Observation: Stride Structure

Let’s remind ourselves what the strides of the C-like NumPy array and F-like Pandas DataFrame look like:


Remember, for the C-like array (arr), the stride tuple (24,8) means one must move 24 bytes (3 8-Byte floats) to move down a row within the same column, but only 8 Bytes to move to the next column in the same row. Again, a C-like array is “row major”, which means the array array is stored as a 1D sequence of its rows, e.g., (row1, row2, row3).

Conversely, for the F-like array (df.values), the stride tuple (8,80) means that we must only move 8 Bytes to get to the next row within the same column, and must move 80 Bytes (10 8-Byte floats) to get to the next column in the same row. Whereas row elements are close in memory for C-like arrays, it is the column elements that are close in memory for F-like arrays. In memory, an F-like array is stored as a 1D sequence of its columns, e.g., (col1, col2, col3).

Though the arrays differ in terms of which of its elements are near each other in memory, the structure of the strides tuple itself remains the same:

  • strides[0]: how many Bytes to get to next row within the same column
  • strides[1]: how many Bytes to get to the next column within the same row

Second Observation: the Strided Stride Structure

The advantage of playing with such a simple toy data set is that we know exactly what to expect of our windowing procedure.

2-Record Window Stepped Forward Every Record (50% overlap)

So, for example, we know that if we make a 2-record window stepped forward (in time, in index, etc) every record, that the first three windows will look like:

array([[[0, 1, 0],
        [1, 1, 0]],

       [[1, 1, 0],
        [2, 1, 0]],

       [[2, 1, 0],
        [3, 1, 0]])

This means, all we have to do is play around a bit with the strides parameter in as_strided until we get what we expect. We already know how to stride on C-like arrays from the first installment in this series, but this kind of play comes in handy for the F-like array.

Ultimately, the following produces the desired array:

# Strides for C-like Array
as_strided(arr, shape=(9,2,3), strides=(24,24,8))[0:3] 
  array([[[0, 1, 0],
          [1, 1, 0]],

         [[1, 1, 0],
          [2, 1, 0]],

         [[2, 1, 0],
          [3, 1, 0]]])

# Strides for F-like Array
as_strided(df, shape=(9,2,3), strides=(8,8,80))[0:3] 
  array([[[0, 1, 0],
          [1, 1, 0]],

         [[1, 1, 0],
          [2, 1, 0]],

         [[2, 1, 0],
          [3, 1, 0]]])

So we find that, for C-like and F-like arrays with same values and shape, but different strides ((24,8) and (8,80), respectively), we can make a 2-record window stepped forward every record using the same recipe:

  • the as_strided shape parameter is the same for both: (num_wins, win_size, n_cols)
  • the as_strided strides parameter has the same pattern for both (strides[0], strides[0], strides[1])
    • for C-like array: (24,8) –> (24,24,8)
    • for F-like array: (8,80) –> (8,8,80)

This tells me that generalizing the make_views function is going to be much simpler than I anticipated!

Btw, another observation: you don’t actually have to put df.values into as_strided – it knows what to do with just df. That wasn’t a typo in the above code.

Let’s just look at one more example to see if our observations on the as_strided input parameters still hold.

2-Record Window Stepped Forward Every 2 Records (nonoverlapping windows)

Again, we can simply write out what the output is supposed to look like.

# Window 1

# Window 2

# Window 3

From last time, we know what the shape parameter should look like:

num_wins = 5
win_size = 2
n_cols = 3
new_shape = (num_wins, win_size, n_cols)

Ultimately, we need to figure out the strides parameter. From the first installment, we know how to do this for the C-like array:

step_size = 2
arr_strides = arr.strides
win_stride = step_size * arr_strides[0] # step_size * n_cols * 8
row_stride = arr.strides[0]             # n_cols * 8
col_stride = arr.strides[1]             # 8
view_strides = (win_stride, row_stride, col_stride)

This pattern works for F-like arrays too!

# Strides for C-like Array
c_strides = (step_size * arr.strides[0],) + arr.strides
as_strided(arr, shape = new_shape, strides = c_strides)[0:3] 
  array([[[0, 1, 0],
          [1, 1, 0]],

         [[2, 1, 0],
          [3, 1, 0]],

         [[4, 1, 0],
          [5, 1, 0]]])

# Strides for F-like Array
f_strides = (step_size * df.values.strides[0],) + df.values.strides
as_strided(df, shape = new_shape, strides = f_strides)[0:3] 
  array([[[0, 1, 0],
          [1, 1, 0]],

         [[2, 1, 0],
          [3, 1, 0]],

         [[4, 1, 0],
          [5, 1, 0]]])

So, that’s it. We already have the code that computes the max number of full windows, leaving off the last partially-filled window (which would be accidentally filled with random nonsense by as_strided). Now we know how to compute the shape parameter for both C-like and F-like arrays (it’s the same tuple for both) and the strides parameter (it’s the same tuple pattern for both). Done. Wow.

The Generalized make_views Function

This is it! If the as_strided function ever confused you, let it confuse you no more!

def make_views(
  writeable = False,
  arr: any 2D array whose columns are distinct variables and 
    rows are data records at some timestamp t
  win_size: size of data window (given in data points along record/time axis)
  step_size: size of window step (given in data point along record/time axis)
  writable: if True, elements can be modified in new data structure, which will affect
    original array (defaults to False)
  Note that step_size is related to window overlap (overlap = win_size - step_size), in 
  case you think in overlaps.
  This function can work with C-like and F-like arrays, and with DataFrames.  Yay.
  # If DataFrame, use only underlying NumPy array
  if type(arr) == type(pd.DataFrame()):
    arr = arr.values
  # Compute Shape Parameter for as_strided
  n_records = arr.shape[0]
  n_columns = arr.shape[1]
  remainder = (n_records - win_size) % step_size 
  num_windows = 1 + int((n_records - win_size - remainder) / step_size)
  shape = (num_windows, win_size, n_columns)
  # Compute Strides Parameter for as_strided
  next_win = step_size * arr.strides[0]
  next_row, next_col = arr.strides
  strides = (next_win, next_row, next_col)

  new_view_structure = as_strided(
    shape = shape,
    strides = strides,
    writeable = writeable,
  return new_view_structure
Written on May 6, 2019