Memory-Efficient Windowing of Time Series Data in Python: 1. Memory Strides in NumPy

[ time-series  pandas  numpy  python  easi  ]

Let’s say you have time series data, and you need to cut it up into small, overlapping windows. In the past, I’ve done this for spectral analysis (e.g., short-time Fourier transform), and more recently when working with recurrent neural networks.

In the past, when doing spectral analysis of geomagnetic time series, I was working with 1-second sampled data streams, which amounts to 86,400 samples per day. For any given experiment or exploration, I might be working with 4-5 magnetometers with 3 axes each, and looking over intervals spanning a day to months. For simplicity, let’s assume 64-bit numbers (8 bytes) streaming from 4 magnetometers, with 3 axes each, sampling at 1 Hz (86400/day), over 30 days:

# 30 days of data
8 * 4 * 3 * 86,400 * 30 = 248,832,000 bytes

That’s 249 MB – not too bad.

Ok, but that’s not how things really worked since I windowed the data using 1-hour (3600-data point) windows stepped forward in time every 10 minutes (600 data points). There was no fancy memory mapping happening here: I was replicating the shit out of that data with not a care in the world!

So how much data did I really have in memory? Well, an easy way to compute that is to (i) compute how much memory a 1-hour window likely takes, then (ii) multiply that by the number of windows. We already know how to compute 1-hour of data – just replace 86400 * 30 by 3600 in the equation above:

# 1 hour of data
8 * 4 * 3 * 3600 = 345,600 bytes

Perhaps a trickier question is, how many windows will we have?

I think the easy way to think through this is to consider just two days of data. Consider the starting time of each window. On the first day, the first window starts at 00:00:00, and there is a window that begins every 10 minutes thereafter for the entire day. So we have 00:00:00, 00:10:00, 00:20:00, …, 23:30:00, 23:40:00, 23:50:00. That is 6 windows per hour for 24 hours, or 24 * 6 = 144 windows on the first day. Now remember, each of these windows are 1-hour long, so the second days will have a few less data windows. Specifically, the last window will be 23:00:00, assuming we are only using complete windows (not edge wrapping, zero padding, etc). In other words, the second day of this 2-day interval would have 5 fewer windows than the first day: 139.

Now, the trick is to realize that all days in any multi-day span will have as many windows as the first day, except the last day of span. So, for a 30-day interval, we would have 144*29 + 139 windows, or 4315 for those of you whose eyes just crossed.

So how much data did I have in memory?

# 30 day interval of windows
345600 (bytes/window) * 4315 (windows) = 1,491,264,000 bytes

That is, about 1.5 GB.

Much bigger than the original 249 MB, but still not very big. I could do it on my laptop with no tricks!

Ok, but what if the time series had been sampled at 100 Hz? That would be 100.5 GB. In that case, I would probably have to start doing some tricks. For example, the easiest would be to not create a massive array, but simply run the window over the regular array, then compute power spectra and write to a file as you go.

A crazier and cooler trick is that allows you have your cake (massive array) and eat it too (same memory footprint as original array) is to using memory mapping tricks, as NumPy’s as_strided function does.

Let’s look at nother example.

I’m currently working with multiple wearable devices, creating 30 - 100+ 400 Hz data streams simultaneously, for intervals spanning tens of minutes.

# 50 400-Hz data streams spaning 20 minutes
rate_per_sec = 400
rate_per_min = 60 * rate_per_sec
num_streams = 50
num_minutes = 20
bytes_per_data_point = 8
total_num_data_points = num_minutes * rate_per_min * num_streams
memory_estimate = total_num_data_points * bytes_per_data_point

That is ~192 MB, or ~ 0.2 GB.

Not bad, but what if we create 2-second (800-data point) windows stepped forward in time every 0.5 seconds (200 data points)?

We can do a similar analysis of that above. In the first minute, the first data window starts at 00:00:00.00, the second at 00:00:00.5, and so on until the last data window in that minute, beginning at 00:00:59.5. In other words, the first minute will have 120 data windows. We know that last minute in this N-minute interval will have fewer windows, but how many fewer? The last full 2-second window begins at xy:zu:58.0. It has 3 fewer data windows. So the total number of windows this time will be (N-1)*120 + (120-3). If N=20, then we have 19*120 + 117 data windows, or 2,397 for those of you asleep at the keyboard!

# 2-second data window for 50 data streams (8B/dp)
win_mem = 8 * 50 * 800 # 320,000

# Memory estimate for 20 mins of 2-sec windows stepped @ 0.5 sec
num_windows = 2397
win_mem * num_windows

That is, 767,040,000 – or just around 0.8GB. That makes sense since we are representing most data points in 4 windows, 4x the original array. In fact, this is plainly a simpler way to estimate the memory of one of these massively stacked array: multiply the original memory by how many window_size / step_size. For the magnetometers, this factor was 3600/600 = 6 and for 800/200 = 4 in the wearables case.

Anyway, now consider this same wearable project for 10 people simultaneously: it becomes almost 10 GB of data.

Point is the same as above: one needs tricks!

And so, again I plug NumPy’s as_strided function found in numpy.lib.stride_tricks.

Let’s look into it a bit.

Sanity Check: Memory of Magnetometer Array

Ok, so here I’m going to pretend that pandas doesn’t exist in this post. Despite it making some things easier, pandas DataFrames might actually confuse you and destroy your analysis if using numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided naively. I’ll talk about this in a follow-up post.

import numpy as np

n = 86400 * 30   # 30 days of 1-Hz data

# Make fake magnetometer data
mag1_x = np.arange(n).reshape(n,1)
mag1_y =  np.zeros(n).reshape(n,1)
mag1_z = np.ones(n).reshape(n,1)
mag2_x = np.random.randn(n).reshape(n,1)
mag2_y = np.random.gamma(1,1,n).reshape(n,1)
mag2_z = np.random.randn(n).reshape(n,1)
mag3_x = np.random.randn(n).reshape(n,1)
mag3_y = np.zeros(n).reshape(n,1)
mag3_z = np.ones(n).reshape(n,1)
mag4_x = np.random.randn(n).reshape(n,1)
mag4_y = np.random.gamma(1,1,n).reshape(n,1)
mag4_z = np.random.randn(n).reshape(n,1)

# Put it all in one array
mag_data = np.concatenate([
  mag1_x, mag1_y, mag1_z,
  mag2_x, mag2_y, mag2_z,
  mag3_x, mag3_y, mag3_z,
  mag4_x, mag4_y, mag4_z,
], axis=1)

# Memory Estimate
mag_data.nbytes/1e6 # MB

“Wow, Kevin – that is the same that you estimated above!”

Did you dare question the veracity of my truth, Dear Reader?!

But seriously, what a great sanity check. Now let’s brute force window this array and check the memory.

# Make a windowing fcn
def make_windows(
  arr: any 2D array whose columns are distinct variables and 
    rows are data records at some timestamp t
  win_size: size of data window (given in data points)
  step_size: size of window step (given in data point)
  Note that step_size is related to window overlap (overlap = win_size - step_size), in 
  case you think in overlaps.
  w_list = list()
  n_records = arr.shape[0]
  remainder = (n_records - win_size) % step_size 
  num_windows = 1 + int((n_records - win_size - remainder) / step_size)
  for k in range(num_windows):
  return np.array(w_list)

# Make 1-hour windows stepped forward every 10 mins
win_size = 3600 # 1-hour windows
step_size = 600 # 10-minute steps
win_data = make_windows(mag_data, win_size, step_size)

# Memory Estimate
win_data.nbytes/1e9 # GB

“Wow, Kevin – that is the same that you estimated above!”

You messin’ with me, Dear Reader?

Well, my computer didn’t blow up – and yours shouldn’t have either! Importantly, we have now seen that our memory estimates were spot on, and that for much larger time series data sets, we might not be able to fit such a brute force data structure in memory.

Depending on what your end goal is, you might create a similar function, but one that saves summary statistics for each window instead of the window itself, e.g., if you are computing a moving average. This way, you’re less likely to bring your computer to a crawl.

Heck, even for a big recurrent neural network, you can make a script that steps through the data for each input… But, let’s assume you MUST create a data structure that has each window…it’s certainly nice to have and easy to think about. So, let’s look at a cool trick: let’s create a complicated view onto the original array. That is, let’s not be brutes and replicate the data in our array unnecessarily! Instead, let’s create a structure that mimics the output of make_windows above, but without any of the memory overhead. We can do this by noting where each data point is stored in memory, and just view the right “memory windows” when required.

As Strided

First, get the function like so:

import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided

Now, to use as_strided, let’s briefly describe the 3 major inputs:

  1. The array to be windowed (strided over)
  2. shape: The desired shape of the new data structure (view onto the original array)
  3. strides: How to place data into the desired shape

I’ll give some details, but it takes some playing around with to get used to… NumPy arrays are made to default to C-like arrays, which means they are “row major” in terms of how they are stored in memory. To understand what this means, first know that the array itself is actually stored in memory as a single contiguous list of elements. Knowing this, “row major” means that row elements are stored right next to each other, while one must leap over many elements to go from one column element to the next. For 64-bit floats, this means one must traverse 8 bytes to go from one row element to the next row element. And if each row has 10 elements, this means one must traverse 80 bytes to go from one column element to the next column element.

A simple example will help here.

a = np.arange(10).reshape(10,1)
b = np.ones(10).reshape(10,1) 
c = np.zeros(10).reshape(10,1)  
d = np.concatenate([a,b,c],axis=1)
  array([[0., 1., 0.],
        [1., 1., 0.],
        [2., 1., 0.],
        [3., 1., 0.],
        [4., 1., 0.],
        [5., 1., 0.],
        [6., 1., 0.],
        [7., 1., 0.],
        [8., 1., 0.],
        [9., 1., 0.]]) 

Above, we have a very simple 10rx3c array. Let’s say we are doing some kind of running/moving/windowed analysis on this array and want to look at 2 records at a time, stepped forward every record, resulting in a 9x2rx3c array. Since the array we created is so simple, we know what to expect. For example, the first and second sub-arrays should look lke:

# Sub-Array 1
array([[0., 1., 0.],
       [1., 1., 0.]])
# Sub-Array 2
array([[1., 1., 0.],
       [2., 1., 0.]])

So, let’s create this with as_strided if we can:

win_d = as_strided(
  shape = (9,2,3),
  strides = (24,24,8)
# What's it look like?
  array([[[0., 1., 0.],
          [1., 1., 0.]],

        [[1., 1., 0.],
          [2., 1., 0.]],

        [[2., 1., 0.],
          [3., 1., 0.]],

        [[3., 1., 0.],
          [4., 1., 0.]],

        [[4., 1., 0.],
          [5., 1., 0.]],

        [[5., 1., 0.],
          [6., 1., 0.]],

        [[6., 1., 0.],
          [7., 1., 0.]],

        [[7., 1., 0.],
          [8., 1., 0.]],

        [[8., 1., 0.],
          [9., 1., 0.]]])

Wow, that’s exactly what we wanted! Yay!

But you might be wondering more about that strides parameter:

  • the first element of strides tells us how many bytes to traverse to get from one window to the next
  • the second element says how many bytes to get from one column element to the next (i.e., how to get from one row to the next in the same column)
  • the third element say how many bytes to get from one row element to the next (i.e., how to get from one column to the next in the same row)

The first and second elements are the same in this example because we have chosen to step the data window forward one record at a time – which is the same byte traversal as going from one row to the next within the same column. To help you better understand, let’s look at a 2rx3c window stepped forward every 2 records, i.e., we will create non-overlapping windows. This will create 5 new windows.

as_strided(d, shape=(5,2,3), strides=(48,24,8))
  array([[[0., 1., 0.],
          [1., 1., 0.]],

        [[2., 1., 0.],
          [3., 1., 0.]],

        [[4., 1., 0.],
          [5., 1., 0.]],

        [[6., 1., 0.],
          [7., 1., 0.]],

        [[8., 1., 0.],
          [9., 1., 0.]]])

Things should start making sense now:

  • for the shape parameters, we have (num_windows, size_window, original_num_columns)
  • for the strides parameter, we have
    • step_size * original_num_columns * 8
    • original_num_columns * 8
    • 1 * 8

For the strides parameter, I used variable names that reference how we thought about things when brute forcing a new data structure filled with array windows… step_size is the number of data points along the record (or time) axis we want to move our window, which is then amplified by original_num_columns * 8 so that the as_strided function knows what we mean. Basically, point is that we can make a wrapper function over as_strided that makes this all feel much more intuitive, like it did when we brute forcing it!

One thing you have to be careful about when using NumPy’s as_strided is not overstepping the data… That is, if the last window will only be partially filled with data, then as_strided will mindlessly fill it with a bunch of all nonsense since it is just reporting what is in the memory banks requested… But we already figured out how to ensure all this above in our brute force method – that is, we already know how to compute the number of “full” windows that we be created from an array when specifying a desired window_size and step_size.

def make_views(
  writeable = False,
  arr: any 2D array whose columns are distinct variables and 
    rows are data records at some timestamp t
  win_size: size of data window (given in data points along record/time axis)
  step_size: size of window step (given in data point along record/time axis)
  writable: if True, elements can be modified in new data structure, which will affect
    original array (defaults to False)
  Note that step_size is related to window overlap (overlap = win_size - step_size), in 
  case you think in overlaps.
  n_records = arr.shape[0]
  n_columns = arr.shape[1]
  remainder = (n_records - win_size) % step_size 
  num_windows = 1 + int((n_records - win_size - remainder) / step_size)
  new_view_structure = as_strided(
    shape = (num_windows, win_size, n_columns),
    strides = (8 * step_size * n_columns, 8 * n_columns, 8),
    writeable = False,
  return new_view_structure

# Make 1-hour windows stepped forward every 10 mins
win_size = 3600 # 1-hour windows
step_size = 600 # 10-minute steps
view_data = make_views(mag_data, win_size, step_size)
# And test to see if we have less memory.......
# WTF?!?!?!

Ok… So clearly my initial understanding of as_strided is wrong… From what I understood, this data structure should have had a much smaller memory footprint than the brute forced data structure we create above with make_windows.

Apparently, the view onto the original array is easily blown into a full-fledged, independent array (e.g., see some war stories here).

But blowing up the view is not my problem! On another StackOverflow page, the discussion points out that arr.nbytes is a fairly “brute” memory computations because it does not take into account the possibility of shared memory, which is what the view is taking advantage of: “.nbytes reports the “theoretical” size of the array, but apparently not the actual size.”

In short, to compute the size of an as_strided view, you must find the array it is pulling from. For a simple view where you have an array that is directly based on another array, you could do something like this:

if arr.base is not None:  arr_sz = arr.base.nbytes

However, the as_strided function adds an additional layer – a DummyArray:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-76-c96e2a606cdb> in <module>
----> 1 view_data.base.nbytes

AttributeError: 'DummyArray' object has no attribute 'nbytes'

To find the source array, you must descend two bases down:


Oh my – is that what I think it is!

Yes: the actual memory footprint is the same size as the original array.



Very cool!

So, we have not blown up our view into a massive-memory array, and we have set writeable=False to avoid bizarre fiascos.

Some remaining thoughts might be:

  • What is .base on the other arrays, mag_data and win_data?
    • Answer: None
  • How can we create a general function to always find the actual memory size?
    • Answer: just .base until you reach None (further detail is outside the concerns of this post)

I think this a good place to say, “Thanks for reading!”

Written on May 3, 2019