Notes on XGBoost

[ python machine-learning wwe  ]

So you’re trying to install XGBoost?

It is not as simple as “sudo pip install xgboost,” which gave me an error about a python egg!

Advice on the internet said:

# 1. Upgrade Pip
pip install --upgrade pip  
pip install xgboost  # ERROR

# 2. Upgrade Pip 2x
pip install --upgrade pip  
pip install --upgrade pip  
pip install xgboost # didn't work

# 3. Upgrade setuptools
pip install --upgrade setuptools
pip install xgboost # didn't work

# 4. Upgrade ez_setup
pip install --upgrade ez_setup
pip install xgboost # didn't work

# 5. Use upgraded ez_setup to upgrade setuptools
easy_install -U setuptools
pip install xgboost # didn't work

# 6. Make sure gcc is up-to-date
brew install gcc --without-multilib   # Was already up-to-date
pip install xgboost # didn't work

# 7. Try using conda...?
conda install xgboost
#...package not found...

# 8. Clone xgboost from GitHub and build
git clone
cd xgboost
# Failed... Errors
sudo ./
# Failed... Errors

# 9. Use make inside xgboost directory?
make # Fail!

# 10. Ah, use this [other command]( inside xgboost directory
cp make/ ./; make -j4 # NOPE.

At one point, it was Time to Read the Docs

Ah, the “git clone” advice was good, but old. Nowadays, one must use the recursive flag.

git clone --recursive
cd xgboost; cp make/ ./; make -j4
# Fail...... errorerror: error: errorunsupported option '-fopenmp'

Ok… wtf is openmp anyway?

It’s true: to Configure OpenMP on a Mac one needs an up-to-date gcc. However, what I didn’t do before was reinstall gcc:

brew reinstall gcc --without-multilib

According to the tutorial, I should now be able to compile programs w/ OpenMP support like so:

gcc-6 -fopenmp  # gcc-7 on my system

Importantly, my hope is that my computer will not give an error saying the fopenmp flag is not an supported option.

cp make/ ./; make -j4
# Drum roll.........
# Nope :-(

The following note on the Docs page was key:

“NOTE: If you use OSX El Capitan, brew installs gcc the latest version gcc-6. So you may need to modify Makefile#L46 and change gcc-5 to gcc-6. After that change gcc-5/g++-5 to gcc-6/g++-6 in make/ then build using the following commands”

No matter what “which gcc” kept pointing to the non-brewed version in /usr/bin. That’s b/c HomeBrew purposely names its gcc’s w/ the leading version number to avoid confusion (e.g., gcc-7). However, I vimmed into the file and saw that, by default, it used the system gcc. I had to set gcc and g++ to gcc-7 and g++-7, respectively.

vim make/  
# look for commented out section out top ("choice of compile")
# 1. uncomment "export CC = gcc" and change gcc to gcc-7
# 2. uncomment "export CXX = g++" and change g++ to g++-7

Then magic happened! No errors. Things happened. It built!

The next step on the Docs page was to install the Python library:

cd python-package
sudo python install

That worked too! :-)

You might have to make a PYTHONPATH environment variable to export in your .bash_profile… But I didn’t have to… So not sure.

Btw, one might also wonder: wtf is MPI?

See the same tutorial if you want to install MPI…

brew install openmpi --build-from-source --cc=gcc-6

Some References

Written on July 14, 2017