Scraping Playlist IDs from a YouTube Channel

[ selenium  webscraping  python  youtube  wwe  ]

Yesterday, I covered how to scrape videos from a YouTube playlist. Today, imagine you are interested in a channel that has multiple playlists, and you want to scrape ‘em all!

One way to do this is to manually construct a list of the playlist IDs you are interested in, and run the function from yesterday on each of them.

That’s ok…but what if a new playlist is added? Or what if you have to do this on 100s of playlists, and don’t have a list of their playlist IDs in front of you? The possibilities go on: what if you are in want to do this for a bunch of YouTube channels? Or simply just want the possibility of quickly doing it for any YouTube channel?

Point is: there is a better way!

The better way is to use Selenium to go scrape what playlists a given channel has right here, right now. This code is solid: just pass a channel ID. From there, the code from yesterday should get you the rest of the way.

import pandas as pd
import time
import bs4
from selenium import webdriver
from import Service as ChromeService
from selenium.webdriver.phantomjs.service import Service as PhantomService

def get_playlists(
  visual = False, 
  new_only = True
    # Browser Set Up
    if visual == True:
        driver_path = '/usr/local/share/chromedriver'
        service = ChromeService(driver_path)
        driver_path = '/usr/local/bin/phantomjs'
        service = PhantomService(driver_path)
    options = {}
    driver = webdriver.Remote(service.service_url, options)
    # Scrape Channel Playlists
    youtube = ''
    channel_url = youtube+'/channel/'+channel_id+'/playlists'
    page_source = driver.page_source # Or: requests.get(channel_url).text
    # Extract with BeautifulSoup
    page = bs4.BeautifulSoup(page_source,'lxml')
    playlist_html ='h3[class="yt-lockup-title "]')
    channel_name = page.title.text.strip().split("\n")[0]
    playlist = pd.DataFrame(columns=[
    for idx,row in enumerate(playlist_html):
        attrs ='a')[0].attrs
        list_name = attrs['title']
        list_id = attrs['href'].split('=')[1]
        list_url = youtube + attrs['href']
        playlist.loc[idx] = [
                list_name, list_id, list_url,
                channel_name, channel_id, channel_url]
    return playlist
Written on August 11, 2017